Let's set for run-through!
Tweaking Jodie Sweetin and Adam Hagenbuch.
Teen Choice Award for Fuller House. Let's eat cake!
Sometimes notes can be a blast!
Is that cannon really aimed there?
"Whoa, Dave! Really?" Yes, Chris. It says so right here."
That was really great, kids, but let's try it one more time.
It was funnier when she delivered the line like this...
Big thanks to Executive Producer, Bob Boyett.
I know you adore me, Candace, but I'm thinking.
I love it, but it was funnier yesterday.
The writers just added another special effect?
There's a lot of love on this set.
That'll play really well in a master.
Hold on! This is how Curly from the Three Stooges did it.
That's really funny! The audience is going to love it!!!
'X', you're going to carry Jodie across from her entrance.
We had a boom in that shot.
What a great show!
Thank you, Candace. I love you too!
World's best AD and switcher. Lex Passaris and Kelly Jobmann.
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